What's up

Meeting / presentation
09. September, 09:00 to 10. November, 15:00

Student Ombudsman in Diehtosiida

Our Student Ombudsman Torill Varberg is in Kautokeino 09.-11.09.24.

02. November, 14:00 to 16:45

Into the Land of Ice & Fire

This is the first screening in Norway and Sápmi and you are welcome to join the event at Sámi University of Applied Sciencies, Guovdageaidnu 2.11.24.

14. October, 10:30 to 16. October, 13:00

IndigMEC2 Conference

Conference focus: Indigenous curriculum development - Development of Indigenous mathematics language and Indigenous mathematics teaching

Location: Diehtosiida in Guovdageaidnu/Kautokeino

More information about the conference can be found here (link) or by scanning the QR code. If you cant get scanned the QR code, enlarge it.