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Apply for studies at Sámi University of Applied Sciences this fall!
The application portal for studies starting fall 2024 is now open!
This coming fall we offer both studyprograms, single courses and semester studies. Applications for admission to study programs are to be admitted through Samordna Opptak. For admission to single courses, semester studies and and all other studies that are not available throug Samordna Opptak, you can apply for admission through SøknadsWeb.
Why study at Sámi University of Applied Sciences?
All our studies are taught from a Sámi and an indigenous perspective, which gives our students a unique competense to work in the Sámi community, together with a multicultural understanding. We can offer a motivating study environment that can both be challenge and rewarding, as it develop your knowledge and competense.
Application deadlines
01.03 Application deadline for those applying based on real competense and for those applying for early admission.
15.04 Application deadline for all studies
Please remember to attach the nescessary documentation that shows that you meet the entrance requirements as soon as possible after your application has been registered.
Single studies at bachelor's level:
PED-1001 Introduction to Indigenous perspectives on special education
SÁM 602 Samisk språkdidaktik med fokus på språkanvändande och berättande texter
Continuing education
PED 611 Andrespråkspedagogikk – Modulbasert videreutdanning
Introductory studies in Sámi
SAAL 1 Sørsamisk i praktiske situasjoner - inføringsstudium 1.del Campus Hattfjelldal
SÁM-0103 Nordsamisk begynnerkurs del 1 Campus Kirkenes
SAAL 1 Nordsamisk i praktiske læringssituasjoner - innføringsstudium 1. del Campus Kautokeino
SAAL 2 Nordsamisk i praktiske læringssituasjoner - innføringsstudium 2. del Campus Kautokeino
If you want to study in a vibrant Sámi society, where you'll get to know both Sámi people from different places in the Sámi area, and also from other places in the world, come study at Sámi University of Applied Sciences, the only all-Sámi University in the world!
If you have questions regarding the application or the application process, please do not hesitate with getting in touch with the academic administration by email: