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06. October, 08:15 to 08. October, 14:15
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Study start 2024
23. August, 19:00 to 20:00
Lounge Sápmi - Ingá Májjá Blind

Gárásavvon representing! The Lounge Sápmi season of this fall is kicked off with 23-year-old Ingá Máiiá Blind! She is a songwriter who conveys wonderful lyrics and beautiful melodies with a clear voice. We know her from the Sámi Grand Prix, where she did a strong performance of the song "Giitosat", and from the project SGP Cover, where she was the vocalist behind many of the remixes made by old SGP hits.
Davvi Divison invites to a soloconcert with Ingá Máiiá at Lounge Sápmi on 23.8.2024, 19:00!
Free entry.