Solveig Joks's picture
Joks, Solveig
Vuosttašamanueansa / Førsteamanuensis / Associate Professor


Giela, duoji, boazodoalu ja servodiehtaga goahti / Institute of Language, Duodji, Reindeer Husbandry and Social Sciences

General information

Solveig Joks works as editor for Sámi dieđalaš áigečála, which is an interdisciplinary scientific journal in Sámi language. From 1.1.2019-31.12.2021 she also manages a research project financed by Research Council of Norway. The title of the project is Making knowledeges visible: Relational gathering practices and their linguistic and narrative expressions in Coastal Sápmi. The partners in the project are Árran Julevsáme guovdásj/Árran Lule Sámi Center, Mearrasiida/Coastal Sámi Resource Centre and Norwegian Institute of Nature Research (NINA).

The project focuses on gathering practices in coastal Sámi areas in Norway. It investigates how relationships between humans and non-humans constitute knowledges, and how these knowledges are expressed in Sámi languages, narratives and place names.

Solveig is also involved in another research project called Bridging diverse knowledges for improved salmon management: Linking cultural and biophysical divensions.

Her PhD thesis from the UiT The Arctic University of Norway is based on ethnographic studies of Sámi traditional knowledges in an area where salmon fishing in the river has a long continuity.

Joks has also published written texts and films about traditional knowledges that Sámi women possess and transmitt to children in a Reindeer herding community.




Articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals

2018     John Law and Solveig Joks "Indigeneity, Science, and Difference: Notes on the politics of how in Science, Technology, & Human Values. Sage. 

2017     John Law and Solveig Joks “Luossa et Laks Saumon, science et savoirs écologiques locaux (SEL) / Luossa and Laks Salmon, science and LEK / Luossa y Laks Salmón, ciencia y Conocimiento Ecológico Local (CEL)” i Revue dˈanthropologie des connaissances, 2017/2, Vol. 11, N˚2, Les 10 ans de la RAC, s. XLIX à LXII.

2017     Solveig Joks and John Law “Sámi Salmon, State Salmon: TEK. Technoscience and care” in The Sociological Review Monographs, Vol 65, Issue 2, s. 150-171, Sage Journals.

2008     “Boazodoallu – eallinvuogi máhtut”/Reindeer husbandry – Life skills in, Sámi dieđalaš áigečála (Sámi Scientific Journal), 2, 2008. The Sámi University of Applied Sciences and University of Tromsø, Sámi Research Centre.

2005     “Boazodoalu nissonolbmot – oaidnemeahttun geađgejuolgi”/Sámi women – the invisible cornerstone of reindeer herding” in, Sámi dieđalaš áigečála, 01-2005. The Sámi University of Applied Sciences and University of Tromsø, Sámi Research Centre.

Research monographs

2015     The salmon needs peace. An approach to traditional knowledge through practices, concepts and accounts from the area around Sirbmá. Doctoral Thesis for PhD Degree UIT, The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø.

2007     Boazodoalu máhtut áiggis áigái. Etniid doaibma árbevirolaš oahpaheamis boazodoalus/Reindeer herding knowledge through the ages. The mothers’ role in the transmission of traditional knowledge within reindeer herding. Dieđut nr 3/2007. The Nordic Sámi Institute/The Sámi University of Applied Sciences.

2003     Boazosámi nissonolbmot, guovddážis báike- ja siidadoalus muhto vajálduvvon almmolaččat./Women in reindeer herding, central to the running of the home as well as the siida, but forgotten in official portrayals. Dieđut nr 5/2001. Nordisk samisk institutt. This book is  also translated into Spanish in 2006 with the title: Las mujeres samis del reno.

Chapters in books

2018        Ylva Jannok Nutti and Solveig Joks “The practical dedication of a children’s nursery forms the character of the place” In, Children form places, places form children, Fagbokforlaget.

2012     “A storyteller’s experiences of the places” in, Rivers to Cross, Sami land use and the human dimension. Vaartoe – Centre for Sami Research, Umeå University.

2007      “Women’s position in the Sámi reindeer husbandry” in, International handbook of research on Indigenous Entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.

2001     “Re-training herders’ knowledge meets bureaucracy” in, Dieđut nr 2/2001 – Natural resources and environmental values in Sámi areas: challenges in management and research. The Nordic Sámi Institute.


2014     Golgadeapmi. Árbevirolaš luossabivdu Deanus/Traditional salmon fishing in Deatnu/Tana. Sámi University of Applied Sciences.

2010     Darfegoahtehuksen dološ vuogi mielde/Turf-hut building in the traditional Sámi way, Riddoduottar Museum. The film is used by the museum for educational purposes (32 mins).

2010     Turf-hut building, the traditional Sámi way, Riddoduottar Museum with English subtitle (10 mins).

2007     AILO Čavge davás/Sets Out North. Dieđut Video 1/2007. The Nordic Sámi Institute/The Sámi University of Applied Sciences.


2011     “Reindeer herding’s areas of resource use and understanding of legal constitution” in, Field 1 Stierdná/Stjernøya and Sievju/Seiland. Expert analysis for Finnmark Land Rights Commission. The University of Tromsø and The Norwegian Institute for Cultural Heritage Research (NIKU).

2009     Report on the basis for the maintenance and management of documented traditional knowledge. The Sámi University of Applied Sciences.

2006     Solveig Joks, Ole Henrik Magga, Isak Mathis Henriksen and Svein Mathiesen. Research-based assessment of the process involved in fixing the maximum number of reindeer in West Finnmark. The Sámi University of Applied Sciences.

2004     “The woman’s perspective in future Sámi reindeer herding” in, Rangifer Report no. 10, 2005. Nordic Reindeer Herding Research Unit.

2003     Co-management of marine resources in arctic areas with respect to indigenous peoples and traditional knowledge. Sámi University of Applied Sciences, SA-report 2-2003.

2003     “Are women and their work in reindeer herding visible in the public domain?” in, Reindeer Herding Administration Report 10.12.2002 on gender policy in the reindeer herding industry.

Articles in magazines

2017                    “Deanuluossa lea šaddan báikki olbmuid oktavuođaid bokte lussii/Tanalaksen er blitt til gjennom lokalbefolkningens relasjoner til laksen/The Tana salmon has come into being through the local population’s relationship to the salmon” in Sámis nr 26, December 2017.

2006                   “Boazodoalu oahpahus – aktiivalaš doaibman/Reindeer Herding’s transmission of knowledge – an active function” in, Reindriftsnytt – Boazodoallo ođđasat (Reindeer Herding News), nr. 2, June 2006 40. Year.
