
Apply for spring studies 2024

The application portal for spring studies 2024 have opened!

Jobber du som tolk eller har du interesse i å jobbe som tolk?

Hvis du har tenkt å jobbe som tolk, en god begynnhelse er å komme til Samisk høgskolen og ta Tospråktesten. Hvis du jobber som tolk fra før av og ikke har tatt Tospråktesten, så er det mulig å ta den i Samisk Høgskole.

3D-teknologiijain vejolaš hábmet ođđa oahppofálaldagaid

Sámi allaskuvllas lea Three-Dimensional Technologies and Indigenous Material Culture doarjjaoahppu hábmejuvvon UArctic prošeavtta olis mas lei mátki oahpásmuvvat Smithsonian instituhta sámi čoakkaldahkii.

Verddeovttasbargu gaskkal Sámi allaskuvlla ja Guovdageainnu suohkana

Sámi allaskuvla lea  čállán viđa jagi verddešiehtadusa Guovdageainnu skuvllain ja Beazedievá mánáidgárddiin Guovdageainnu suohkanis.

Sami Education Conference: New deadlines

Are you a teacher or researcher who wants to share your knowledge and/or experiences at the Sami education conference?

Min birrasat conference is open for registration

You can now register for a conference in Guovdageaidnu on 26-27 October 23.

Sami health conditions

Sami health conditions were the topic when Māori Emma Rawson - Te Patu visited Sami University of applied sciences.

Oahppu ii deatte (education does not weigh down) podcast - new episode every week

Sami University of applied sciences has published a podcast called "oahppu ii deatte". The host of the entire series is Ellen Oddveig Hætta Gaup and she has had studio visits from various teachers.

Sami cultural heritage's place in relation to global challenges

The rectors of UNESCO schools and teachers gather for a national conference in Alta 13.9 and in Kautokeino on 14.9.23.
