What's up

Meeting / presentation
09. September, 09:00 to 10. November, 15:00

Student Ombudsman in Diehtosiida

Our Student Ombudsman Torill Varberg is in Kautokeino 09.-11.09.24.

14. October, 10:30 to 16. October, 13:00

IndigMEC2 Conference

Conference focus: Indigenous curriculum development - Development of Indigenous

Mini seminára
25. September, 09:30 to 13:45

Eamiálbmot dearvvašvuohta

Emma Rawson - Te Patu boahtá finadit Sámi allaskuvlii maŋŋil go lea leamaš Folkehelsekonferanssas Tromssas.

Emma Rawson - Te Patu lea direktevra ManuKahu Associates, Indigenous Consultancy Āotearoas ja lea válljejuvvon jođiheaddji World Federation of Public Health Associationis. Sáhtát lohkat su birra  dás Emma Rawson-Te Patu | Folkehelsekonferansen 

Prográmma Sáhkaskáiddis Sámi allaskuvllas 25.9.23:

09.30-09.55 Welcome to Sámi University of Applied Sciences, a short introduction about our institution, Rector Liv Inger Somby

0955 - 1015 Quantifying (parts of) Sápmi. Aspects of Sámi (non-)presence in official statistics in Norway, ca 1970-2020. Torunn Pettersen, Researcher at Sámi University of Applied Sciences

1020-1040 How racism is experienced among reindeer herding youth, Ketil Lennert Hansen, (Zoom) Professor at UiT

1045-1105 Public health challenges in the Sami society Doctor and Senior Consultant Ánne Lájlá Kalstad, Guovdageaidnu municipality

1105-1125 Language and well-being – strengthening Sámi languages.  Annika Pasanen, Professor of Sámi Sociolinguistics

11.30- 12.00  Lecture by Director and leader Emma Rawson -Te Patu, The World Federation of Publich Health Associates - WFPHA and Indigenous Health at the Global Level Guiding and visiting some of the courses

12.00- 12.45  Lunch

13.00- 1330  Guiding and visiting some of the courses at our Campus