21. august, 10:00 til 25. august, 16:15

Induction and welcome week

Week 34


Monday August 21st

10 AM – 11 AM                Welcome greetings by the rector!

Academic administration, information about the SSO – the student welfare organisation and student involvement, at Sáhkaskáidi

11 AM - 2 PM                    Guided tour in Diehtosiida,

Registration of students and station based practical information to fresh students and coffee refreshments:

Academic administration and student guides are welcoming fresh students (key cards, scholarships,), student involvement – the student board. SSO – the student welfare organisation (housing, preschool and leisure time), at the cantina

3 PM                                     Orientation- put on good shoes and dress for the weather. (More information about this will follow!) Wee at together.

PLAN B: We will arrange a picture orientation inside If it's raining outside.



Tuesday August 22nd

3 PM - 8.00 PM                  Outdoor day – location will be announced later!



Wednesday August 23rd

Noon – 3 PM                      OFFICIAL OPENING SEPARATE PROGRAM!