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Apply for a north2north scholarship and go on a student exchange!
Apply for a north2north scholarship and go on a student exchange, study year 2019- 2020! If you are a student from Sámi University of Applied Sciences, you may go on student exchange to universities and colleges outside Norway, that are members of the University of the Arctic. The member institutions are in the USA- Alaska, Canada, Russia, Denmark/ Greenland/ Faroe Islands, Iceland, Finland and Sweden. You may read more about the north2north exchange program here.
If you are a foreign student from the University of the Arctic's member institutions in the USA, Canada or Russia, you may also apply for north2north scholarship to come on a student exchange to the Sámi University of Applied Sciences, study year 2019-2020! Read more here.
The duration of the student exchange has to be between 6 weeks- 10 months. If you want to apply for the scholarship, please write an e-mail to Please attach a motivation letter to the e-mail (the letter has to be without personal information).
If you have any questions, please contact Lena Susanne Gaup, either by e-mail or telephone +47 78 44 84 58.