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Mandatory e-learning course in infection prevention
Everyone who is returning to campus must complete a 15-minute e-learning course in infection prevention.
In connection with new academic year, the Sámi University of Applied Sciences is launching an e-learning course in infection prevention for staff and students. The course is mandatory for those returning to work or their studies in the time to come, and takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.
E-learning course will ensure the necessary competence in SUAS guideline to infection control and measures. It is also an important part of maintaining and following infection prevention measures with proper routines applying to all.
Take the course here!
For students:
Watch the e-learning course:
Verify that you completed the course:
For staff:
Watch the e-learning course:
Verify that you completed the course:
Student administration and HR-department will also send an e-mail about the course with links.