- Oahput
- Dutkan
- Studeanttaide
- Sámi allaskuvla
- Organisašuvdna
- Stivrrat ja lávdegottit
- Bargit ja čujuhusat
- Rehket/ Faktura allaskuvlii
- Mátkerehket ja buhtadusgáibádus
- Diehtosiidda latnjakárta
- Hálidat go bargat Sámi allaskuvllas?
- Dokumeanttat
- Girjerájus
- Sámi lohkanguovddáš
- Sámi ofelaččat
- Sámi logut muitalit
- Ovttasbargat allaskuvllain
- Sihkarvuohta ja gearggusvuohta
- Dieđit ja evttot
- Persovdnasuodjalus
- Sámi lohkanguovddáš
- IT-support
DigiÁrran project
Development of digital tools to support the Sámi language, culture and teaching.
Project period
40 000 €
Interreg Aurora Sub-area Sápmi, Regional Council of Lapland, Sámi Parliament in Norway, Troms and Finnmark regional administration, University of Oulu and Sámi University of Applied Sciences.
In this preparatory project the main project - DigiÁrran - is created. In Preparatory DigiÁrran, we search and ensure partners, negotiate partnerships, agreements, work packages and activities.
The planned Interreg-funded three-year DigiÁrran project develops knowledge and skills on the development and utilization of digital tools such as digital games to use them strengthening Sámi language, culture, and teaching. Main project also aims to strengthen the knowledge of and in the field. Project assembles a strong network to promote the production and consumption of Sámi language digital tools such as games in the future, and tests how games can be used for various goals, e.g. for teaching language and culture, transferring traditional knowledge, teaching about the Sámi, integrating people into Sápmi and adapting to climate change.
Sápmi is mostly a sparsely populated area with a strong cultural tradition, but a thin economic structure. Interest in Sámi culture in the gaming industry is growing in the world, and the Sámi themselves must meet that need. The game industry needs experts in the Sámi language and culture, musicians, game developers, technical experts, graphic artists, etc. The project not only supports lifelong learning, the revitalization of the Sámi language and culture, but also creates, at best, jobs and new earning opportunities. A network is needed for Sámi game design in order to learn from best practices and create new ones.