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Extending the opportunity for registration
Press release 22.8.2014
Extending the opportunity for registration
to the new Master´s Programme in Sámi Journalism from an Indigenous Perspective
The unique international Master´s Programme in journalism from an indigenous perspective has attracted a lot of interest among applicants. In order to ensure that all those who wish to participate can do so, the University College has decided to start the programme in January 2015.
Also, following this decision new students are now able to apply to the programme. Interested students are requested to visit the web page of the Sámi University College.
Applications that have been sent to the University College stay valid and do not have to be re-submitted. Applicants who are found to be eligible will be personally contacted by the University College in order to secure a successful realization of this study programme.
For more information, please contact prof. Tom Moring +358 50 3019420 or rector Jelena Porsanger +47 922 62212.